If Only I Had Told Her by Laura Nowlin Pdf Download

If Only I Had Told Her

Synopsis of the "If Only I Had Told Her"

  Remember that gut-wrenching "what if" that kept you up all night, heart thrumming a frantic tattoo against your ribs? Yeah, this book is that feeling bottled up in 300 action-packed pages.

   Think Finn, a guy with eyes as blue as a summer sky and a secret the size of Jupiter: he's head-over-heels for Autumn, the girl who lives next door and breathes sunshine. The problem? He's stuck in the friend zone, tangled in the threads of loyalty to his girlfriend, Sylvie. It's a slow-burning agony, watching Autumn from afar, her laugh like wind chimes tinkling in the breeze, while his own heart whispers forbidden melodies.

  Enter Jack, the best friend with a radar for unspoken truths. He's seen the way Finn's gaze lingers on Autumn, the way her smile sets his whole world ablaze. He knows the storm brewing beneath the surface, and it's a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Can he help Finn navigate this emotional minefield before everything goes kablooey?

  Meanwhile, Autumn, armed with a thirst for adventure and a notebook overflowing with dreams, is determined to write her own happily-ever-after. But life, the sneaky little trickster, has other plans. Fate throws a curveball that leaves her world tilted on its axis, and suddenly, the lines between friendship and forever blur.

  This is a story about the tangled mess of first loves, unspoken words, and the magic that blooms in the cracks of heartbreak. It's a symphony of hope and heartache, where friendships become anchors and unexpected bonds mend shattered dreams. So buckle up, bookworms, because "If Only I Had Told Her" is about to take you on a rollercoaster ride through the kaleidoscope of love, loss, and the fierce resilience of the human spirit.

About the Author "Laura Nowlin":

   Laura Nowlin graduated from Missouri University with a B.A. in English with a creative writing focus. Laura works at the public library, where the readers provide her with plenty of inspiration for her writing, when she isn't spending her days at home brooding over her own manuscripts. She resides in St. Louis with her insane cat, neurotic dog, and musical husband.

Details About "If Only I Had Told Her"

  • Book Title: If Only I Had Told Her
  • Authors: Laura Nowlin
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Teen & Young Adult Contemporary Romance
  • Format: PDF
  • Size: 5 MB
  • Price: Free

 How to Download "If Only I Had Told Her" by Laura Nowlin PDF:

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