Court of the Vampire Queen by Katee Robert FREE Pdf Download

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Download The book Court of the Vampire Queen pdf written by Katee Robert and published on September 6, 2022 in PDF format.The file contains more than 496 pages...

About The Book Court of the Vampire Queen

A USA Today bestseller right away

There is one queen who rules over all three of the attractive but strong vampire men.

Mina's only desire was to get away from her father's authority. She was half vampire, half human, and she spent her entire life torn between the two worlds, never really enjoying either until her father used her as a pawn in his most recent political scheme, giving her to the darkly attractive and frighteningly powerful Malachi Zion.

Malachi is a vampire that should not be taken lightly. He is known for committing the most heinous crimes and reigns with an iron hand. The more time Mina spends with him, though, the more she comes to understand that he is not the monster she initially believed. As fear gives way to lust, then to trust, and finally to something more, Malachi exposes Mina to a world she never would have imagined was hers, one that includes the love of Malachi's two closest friends and companions.

Now that all three men are in the middle of their surprisingly alluring world, Mina might finally be able to confront her father and reclaim the life and crown that are rightfully hers.